This book begins and ends with the same intense passion. And I agree to chapter 10 as much as I agreed to chapter 1.
P. 172 Chan states "The world needs Christians who don't tolerate the complacency of their own lives." Concurrence with this statement begs a question: How/why do we become complacent? Pretty simple .... Comparison + Inadequacy = Complacency.
"We have a God who is a creator, not a duplicator." (P. 167). What a profound statement! And yet I often become frustrated because I cannot duplicate the traits I see in my fellow believers. The love of Laurie - the wisdom of Brandi - the self-control of Toni - - - - Admiring these amazing women of God is not wrong; the problem arises if I allow my gaze to remain on them instead of Jesus and His unique design for my life.
Comparing myself to others will deny Christ's unique purpose through me. And the enemy quickly shifts the act of comparison to feelings of inadequacy. The summation of these unhealthy factors results in a summed life of complacency. "....I'll just settle for this level of God in my life, because I won't ever be able to (...fill in the blank...)......"
In 2010, I expect an "awakening" from my Heavenly Father. I anticipate a beautiful confirmation of I Cor 12:4-7: '...different kind of gifts...different kinds of service...different kinds of working...' The celebrated differences + an awakening of my identity in Christ will equal anything but complacency!
Thank you Francis Chan for this book. I respect your dedication to call the body of Christ to a place of Crazy Love.