Sunday, January 10, 2010

21 Days: Day 4 -Choices

For the next 21 days this blog will be dedicated to a
journey with Jesus Christ.
One word will be posted each day, with a brief video explanation.
I pray it is an encouragement to those who are walking the same 21-day path!


  1. You are doing an amazingly incredible and effective job with this video blog! I LOVE following you and eagerly await the next "daily word". I know that God is revealing these words to you so I know I'm hearing a word from God. As I said before, you're creating a legacy!

  2. Becca,
    Your words for the day are really blessing me!!

    The word TEMPORARY really spoke volumes to me.

    On that day the Lord kept putting on my heart Psalm 118:8.

    This verse is the middle verse of the bible.
    "Don't put your confidence in man but put your trust in God."

    Thank you for blogging your words that the Lord is giving to you to share with us.

    The Lord is using you to bless us!

    Love, your sister in Christ
