Friday, June 11, 2010

Week Two: Making Progress!

Below are posts from the women reading Beth Moore's book, So Long Insecurity. I hope you can learn from the lessons they are discovering!


  1. This becoming-a-secure woman writes....
    "My a-ha moment was just throughout this week God revealing to me my insecurities, and at times when I am letting them overtake me. I feel like I am taking a step forward into becoming a secure woman!"

    Yes you are sister! Keep on listening to Him for you are well on your way! I'm so proud of you!!

  2. Listen to her a-ha moment.....
    "It was that the Lord has blessed me with this beautiful group of women to help get me through this. ML"

    Girl, I'm SO glad you feel welcome and loved. And you too are a beautiful woman indeed!

  3. This friend writes....
    "The fiercest enemy Paul had to fight in the fulfillment of hi destiny was himself. Ditto!"

    Right there with you sister! Remind me to tell you about my birdcage sometime..... :)

  4. This friend found a great quote from the book....
    "No person on earth can love you perfectly enough to mend a tear in the crimson fabric of your soul. My security is in Him!"

    Love that spirit girl!!

  5. I think this friend was reading my mind.....
    "My a-ha moment is when I read chapter 2. 'I don't just doubt myself, I also doubt God about myself. It's hard for me to believe that God has chosen ME or APPOINTED ME to accomplish something good.' I'm insignificant to his plan, that's how I feel. I'm waiting for him to reveal to me my purpose."

    Sister-friend, I have so many stars around that line in my book that it looks like another solar system!!! That doubt monster will kill us...let's keep fighting to take that sucker out! Love you and in it with you!!

  6. Love what she found.....
    "My a-ha moment was reading p 42. 'Although we may have something unhealthy deep inside of us, those in whom Christ dwells also have something deeper. Something whole. Something so infinitely healthy that, if we would but invade the rest of us, we would be healed.' There is HOPE!. God can change me!"

    Yes Yes there is HOPE! And my heart is thrilled that God has revealed that to you so personally! Live in it, sweet friend!

  7. Here are her 2 a-ha moment from this week....
    "Insecure people are always afraid that something or somebody is going to be taken away from them. He let his emotions get so out of control that his insecurity morphed into complete instability."

    Fear can certainly change who we are.....thank you for helping us all remember these great thoughts! You're doing great!!

  8. This sister is gaining wisdom....just listen to her....
    "My a-ha moment was this: 'much of what we fear is fueled by our imagination and in fact, mots of what we fear never happens.....bad feelings can quickly turn into bad behavior.' The person who responds with strength instead of hysteria may be a stranger to you but that is what you are here to find."

    Yes indeed!! I will celebrate with you as you find the amazing, dynamic beauty that GOD created....and she is wearing YOUR name! :)

  9. The second friend who found this is it worth repeating...
    "Although we all may have something unhealthy inside of us, those with whom Christ dwells also have something deeper & healthier that can be healed."

    Girl - - I just want to stand up and Amen that!! Oh that He will continue to reveal more of that truth to my soul. THANK YOU for bringing that thought love to you!

  10. Beverly had a great revelation ....
    "My a-ha moment was when I realized some of the greatest Christians in the Bible had insecurities. It never occurred to me because of their relationship they had with God/Jesus."

    Sister, isn't that the truth! Moses for crying out loud! What a mighty man who God worked miracles through!! So you stand proud and brush out that cute new hairdo and proclaim you are more secure, and cuter than Moses! :) SO GLAD you're part of this journey!

  11. Eileen is hearing from God.....
    "I am realizing I must give my weaknesses to God if I am to fulfill His plan for my life."

    I agree with you girlfriend.....and might I add that His plan for your life is so much bigger than you realize! You have amazing potential for Kingdom impact sister.....keep listening to Him! I am thrilled for your journey!!!

  12. Toni bravely writes......
    "My biggest insecurity has always been my looks. I have gotten much better with age, but I still struggle."

    Girl - this shocked me! When we were talking haircuts early last night, I was thinking how precious you are ... and if I had a cute face like yours, I'd go short in an instant! I can't wait for God to fully reveal the beauty I see (and others see) to you ...... and I think you're wrong about one thing. When those dogs wag their tail at you, that's their way of communicating how pretty you are in their eyes! :)

  13. Chris is seeing herself in the burning bush....
    "Like Moses, I often find myself saying, 'O Lord, please send someone else to do it.' I'm missing out on God's blessings! But, I'm also bent out of shape when I'm not asked to do something even if I don't want to do it - I want to be the one to say no!"

    You're in my head girlfriend! I wonder how many times I've missed out on what God intended because I'm having a fit about what I wasn't asked to do..... We are indeed learning aren't we! Love you!!! So glad Kendle feels welcome in our group - she's a great gal!

  14. This friend has made a powerful discovery.....
    "It took me some time to figure out what my false positive was. But...once I figured it out, I realized that all of my different insecurities could be tied back to that ONE THING!! to conquer it..."

    Girl!! I love the image I have of you writing this! I hear in your words a determination that God will get behind and you are indeed on the brink of a major breakthru! Thrilled for you!!!!

  15. Karen loved page 57.....
    "Daily dying to the part of myself that would deny, destroy or distract from the great work of God IN me. The great work of God THROUGH me!"

    I am SO glad to hear you say this! He does so much in and through you!! Keep on this discovery path my friend .... It is His gift to you in this season!!!

  16. She realized something big....
    "I need to stop handing others the kind of power that only God should have over me. Stop asking others! We are flawed people with flawed hearts."

    You are so right! I am praying that as you are tempted to ask others, God immediately prompts you to ask HIM instead! You're doing great sister ... KEEP IT UP!!!

  17. Two a-ha's from this friend.....
    "I realized that our insecurities can change depending on what season we are in, in our life. And - the more threatened I am by someone or something, the more insecure I am or become."

    Those two truths are so important! I'm glad you have that knowledge, and can't wait to see how God works in your life as a result! You're an important part of this group - - keep on coming!! :)

  18. Love the generation impact from this sister.....
    "My a-ha moment this week si not so big, but all the more important. All the ideas and creative things I try to talk to my girls about seem to fly over their heads. Then I speak to an adult who is working closely with them and I am blown away with the positive impact my children do have because of my influence! Yeah!"

    Yay - Yay - Yay indeed!!! The enemy would love to defeat us by selling us the lie that our children aren't "getting it" - - but sister, they ARE! I am so delighted that Father showed you that truth! Keep pouring in - - - EXCITED for you!!!
